Monday, September 29, 2008

We Got a Bigger Bed!

Okay so we didn't get a bigger bed. We just moved fat jack to his. We let him cry it out. Scott and I cried it out on the couch waiting for him to give in. He did and we did a little happy dance in the middle of our living room. He is also eating solids sooo much better. A friend of mine suggested giving him more solids would free up some of my time and so far so good. I have only had to nurse 4 times today! My sister in law took some cute pics. Must share.


Quite Content said...

I am so happy for both of you... He is such a cutie. I am glad that he is liking solids so much more. Thanks for the advice for FHE. Alex is not into the tv now and would rather run around destroying, excuse me, exploring in our house than sit and watch. Go figure... I know it will probably be a different story in the next two years. ;0)

123 checkoutourfamily said...'s funny but not that Michael picked up some poo and thought it was an avocado.

I hear you on the tough love thing. we moved Brayden to his room and it was going well till he started getting out of bed in the middle of the night to come join us in bed. Now we have to close his door so he can't find his way to our room.

scraphappymama said...

glad to hear you have your bed back :) only nursing 4 times a day is great!!! I'm anxiously awaiting the 15th so I can proudly say I nurse 0 times a day (hee, hee). glad that the solids are keeping him happy!!!

are you going to be at craft night tonight? hope so!! you are so much fun!!!

Kristin said...

I love that you call him Fat Jack. :) That makes me laugh. Isn't it amazing how much more room you have when you move a kid out?