Thursday, September 4, 2008

I feel Awful!

My poor Michael Man. He has been what I call a "stinking toot" the past couple of days. He cried when entering his classroom on Wednesday. I thought it was because I did not obey his command to go to the playground. I thought that because he was pointing to the slide and yelling SLIDE DOWN! SLIDE DOWN! over and over and over. But it turns out he has a double rip roaring ear infection. Who knew? Not me! I have been looking back on the past couple of days asking him "who are you?" or "who do you think you are?" He was in pain. How does it sneak up without warning. The doc put him on Amox. But I hear that doesn't work sometimes. Any body have experience with this ear infection stuff?


scraphappymama said...

so sorry to hear Michael is sick. I've only had one kid have an ear infection (knock on wood). They put Brooklyn on amoxocillin and it worked. Hopefully things clear up soon.

123 checkoutourfamily said...

Brayden had a double ear infection once and it went away with meds. He would get brochiolitis if he had a cold with a lot of mucus. After working on the bronchiolitis, he was still not getting better so that's when I took him in to find out he had a double ear infection. Hopefully it'll go away quickly. I hear you, they do just sneak up on you.

Kristin said...

I'm sad that Michael is sick! I hope he gets better soon.My kids don't have ear infections, so I can't help you out on this one.

Haben said...

Don't feel bad Jana. This has happened to me before too. It's hard to know when they can't tell you. I've taken my kids in for check-ups only to find that they had ear infections, and I had no idea! They didn't have a fever or act crabby or anything. I felt horrible though. It's a mommy thing. But amox has always worked for my kiddos. It's usually worse at night and than I give them some Tylenol or Motrin for the pain and put a really, really warm washcloth on the infected ear, and hold it there for a couple minutes. It helps soothe the ear and then they usually go to sleep. Hope this helps, Haben