Jack had his first solids last night. I dont think it was what he was hoping for. He has been watching us while we eat so I thought he was ready. I also think he is ready for his first training bra or manzier!
What I am doing now? Driving 45 miles to work, loving every second of being a dad, helping my poor exausted wife finish her sentences, forgetting to take out the trash and managing my own store.
The Mommy
What am I doing now? Managing a household, trying to remember to brush my teeth, blogging 'til 2am, playing peek-a-boo and having a blast.
Michael Graham 28 mos
What am I doing? Waving and saying hello to anyone that will give me the time of day, running from diaper changes, eating me body weight in mac and chez and reading Good Night Moon from memory
Jack Preston 12 mos
What am I doing now? Eating, teething...alot, laughing at my big brother, wearing 18 months clothing and sleeping in my own bedroom.
It's the Bro!
hahaha...when I saw the pics I laughed b/c of his man boobs. Brayden had them pretty bad too. How funny!
Oh, that is funny!
Alex never had man boobs, but I had to laugh when I saw Jack's. Love the looks that baby's give when they first try new foods.
Jana, they are both SOOOO cute! I wish we lived closer. Love, Haben
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