Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Love is Blind and Frustrating

So today I have been trying to teach Michael to put away his toys. I have been incredibly unsuccessful. This afternoon I was compiling a list of questions to ask his preschool teacher when she calls next week. I taught preschool for 10 years, but you would never know it by the list of questions I am planning to ask. I had up to 35 children in my class and 10-15 adult student teachers observing through a one-way glass wall at the college. How is it that I can not prevent my own child from throwing his goldfish container at the dog? So I ask, have I lost it or is this a whole different ball game? I can remember at a parent teacher conference a parent asking me "So he has never held his breath and passed out when you've told him he can't have something?" I had to ask if we were talking about the same child. So now I find myself on the other side of the conversation: asking "How are you going to get him to eat one piece of turkey and not six at one time?" I can teach my child geometric shapes, number symbols and phonetic sounds but I am powerless when trying to keep his hand out of the VCR. I am one frustrated Mommy but I am completely in love.


123 checkoutourfamily said...

Michael is going to preschool? Wow, that's awesome. I guess that makes sense b/c he really seems ready. What preschools are you looking at?

Sarah Livingston said...

Nice hanging out with you too! I totally got online just to add you to my google reader list! I would love to get together soon but will have to ditch the kids. We'll know the opportunity when we see it!