Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Jack and Jana

Michael spent the weekend with my parents in Pearland and Jack hung out with me. I forgot what it was like to only have one kid to care for. I missed Michael terribly but got sooo much done and my house stayed picked up for the whole time he was gone. My Dad e-mailed me a picture of Michael sitting in the driver side of his truck with a caption that read "dont worry Mom I only went around the block". He learned some more words while gone like: peanutbutter. Big truck and open it. I had to call my Mom about another word he picked up but it turns out he is saying sit not the potty word. Thank goodness. That would be fun to explain to the nursery leader :)

1 comment:

Kristin said...

So funny, I felt the same way when Aubrey went to Kindergarten last year... I got so much done! And funny about the not-potty word. Thank goodness!